Today I have two highly recommended blogs for you to check out, if you haven't already. The first is Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist, written by one very smart and sassy woman. This is how she explains her blog -
Before I even knew how to write, I would dictate my days to my dad. As an entrepreneur I got a column in a national magazine and started spewing advice in places like Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the London Times. Then I got a six-figure book deal. Today, my column runs in more than 200 newspapers, but my blog is where my heart is.
What I think my life is about is figuring out how to find success at the intersection of work and life—one happy, synchronized adventure. It's a difficult task, and I don't want to do it alone. So my blog is a community where we all do it together.
The next link is another award-winning blog called Conversation Agent. Here, Valeria Maltoni explores all elements of the incredibly fast-moving tide of social media: what it's all about, what it means for who, and how to stay on top of the wave.
Good stuff.